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Our History
Learn what sparked the light that is Lighthouse!

Beginning in 1979 as a college outreach to the students on the campuses of Alfred University and Alfred State College, the ministry grew from a weekly coffee house and bible study to a regular gathering of hungry followers of Christ. Composed of college students from around the globe and residents from the local area, the Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church became officially organized in 1985. The foundation of this ministry was established on the four core practices of the early church found in Acts 2:41-42:
To this day, our focus is on the establishing of God's Kingdom in the earth through the cornerstones of Doctrine: Instruction in Righteousness through the pure, unadulterated Word of God, the Bible; Fellowship: The practice of being a church "family" where we truly become members of one another not only in word but in our daily life; Breaking Bread as we regularly share life in the intimacy of one another's homes and around one anothers table's as well as regularly including the Lord's Supper (Communion); Prayer: Not just having prayer but "building a house of prayer" Matt. 21:13, whereby communion with our Heavenly Father is the center of our daily activities and ministry. These practices have established what the ministry of Lighthouse Christian Fellowship is all about.

Due to the uniqueness of our community environment and the closing words of the Old Testament through the prophet Malachi: "And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers..." (4:6) As a fellowship, we carry a strong calling and vision to see generations knit together through father/son relationships whereby the wisdom of those with the experiences of life and a longevity of relationship with Christ, can pour into the next generation of "warriors" who are hungry to implement Kingdom Truth into their generation, yet need the steady hand of a spiritual father (mother) 1 Cor. 4:14-16 to help guide them through the often hostile territory of life.

With approximatly 7,000 young men and women from around the world attending college here in Alfred, a community of about 1,200 residents, God has truly brought the "harvest field" to us. With the condition of the average American family being spiritually bankrupt and often in relational disarray, the Lord has given the church a tremendous opportunity to open their homes and lives to impart the Kingdom of God into this current generation through not only biblical but also practical application of truth.

Because of our desire to be "up close and personal" with this generation (Mark 3:14), we have established campus organizations on Alfred University and Alfred State College where we can actually have our regular weekly corporate gatherings on the campuses. This makes it more convenient and makes the church "Body" more easily accessible to the college community.
Our beliefs and practices are fully New Testament and totally Bible based. We are non-denominational which means that we are not solely committed to any one segment of the contemporary church but choose to have fellowship with all those of like precious faith who are committed to the full gospel of Christ as established in the Bible alone. Therefore we refer to ourselves as a "Bible Believing Spirit Filled Ministry."

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